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AA Agung Bharata

Before it was commissioned by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), AA Agung Bharata was undecided, between forward and not become a candidate for Regent of Gianyar. Once through the process and a long and profound reflection AA Agung Bharata would eventually be nominated to become the regent of Gianyar period 2013-2018. Statement is ready to move forward in the General Election Gianyar AA Bharata presented to journalists on Monday (4/9/2012) Bali at the Parliament Building.AA Bharata said he would advance into Gianyar Regent candidates at the insistence of the subalterns. Actually, he said, to advance to the Regent was considered very severe. However, the task of the party and the people's mandate should be respected. '' If we assign the party ahead in elections in Gianyar, then we will be ready to take on this task with responsibility,'' said AA Bharata.Based on the results of the meeting between the PAC's PDI-P with DPC, 1 April, representatives unanimously the mandate fully to AA Agung Bharata to progress on elections which will be held Gianyar, 4 November 2013. Results of the meeting and Regent candidates netting process of PDI, determined the three pairs. The third pair are: AA-Nyoman Partha Great Bharata, Bharata-AA General Agus Mahayastra, and AA-Budiasa Agung Bharata. The third candidate pairs of Regent and Vice Regent of Gianyar is very militant cadres.Responding to the third pair, AA Agung Bharata said, this is the PDI-P cadres and militants who qualified in the Gianyar regency. His companion, said he deserved to be able to make changes and build a more advanced Herzliya from now.Asked about the approval of the Chairman of the DPP of President Megawati Sukarnoputri's PDI-P, AA Agung Bharata, saying the process is not yet there. Crawl the candidates and the vice regent of the PDI-P is through the process and mechanism of the party. However, it claimed to have is predicted and urged by the Chairman of the Democratic Party of Struggle DPD Bali Ngurah Oka AA Ratmadi and former Regent of Tabanan Adi Wiryatama.Meanwhile, Arjaya Made of a cadre now PDI-P who became Chairman of Commission A DPRD Bali said the package will be offered to the DPP in accordance with PDI existing mechanisms. '' I'm sure, leaders of the caliber of the Great Bharata AA is no doubt about its performance. He has been a Regent of Gianyar and definitely knows the ins and outs in Gianyar,'' he said.Based on the results of the poll, the name of the Great Bharata AA still perched at the top defeated candidate who is predicted to be candidates for regent of Gianyar. For this reason, says Arjaya, PDI-P believes that advanced candidates in local elections Gianyar would gain support if the election ever took place. '' I believe, three couples who decided on the meeting between the PAC's PDI-P with DPC Gianyar, is correct and no doubt. Therefore, all the PDI-P cadres must come together as partners to support this,'' he said.It is said, about who should be assigned by the DPP to move forward on the PDI-P candidate Regent and Vice Regent of Gianyar later it was entirely up to the DPP. '' I still hope, AA pair with Agus Mahayastra Agung Bharata is the most ideal partner,'' said Arjaya.
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